Join us for Network: A special event for students & PR pros!

Come celebrate Friday the 13th with CPRS Manitoba!  What could go wrong?

The student board members of CPRS Manitoba have organized a free networking event to be held at the Winnipeg Free Press News Cafe on Friday, April 13, 2012. All Red River College and University of Winnipeg Public Relations students are invited, along with CPRS Manitoba members and friends!

This networking event will actually be GOOD LUCK for:

  • students looking for work or wondering how to structure their studies to get their dream jobs
  • employers who want to meet the next generation who will be applying for jobs at their offices
  • PR or communications pros who want to share their tips and tricks
  • anyone who wants to network with colleagues


  • Q&A about what to expect in when entering the PR field with panelists:
    • Adam Dooley, President, Dooley Communications
    • Clare MacKay, Vice- President, Communications and Marketing, The Forks North Portage Partnership
    • Tamara Bodi, Director, Public Relations and Social Media, McKim Cringan George
  • Networking
  • Door prizes!

Friday, April 13, 2012
6:00 p.m.  –  8:00 p.m.

Winnipeg Free Press News Cafe
237 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg MB


Tuesday, April 10, 2012