
CPRS Manitoba January Luncheon

CPRS Manitoba is hosting their first luncheon of 2011 on Wednesday, January 26th.
Our guest speaker is Scott Brown, Director, Corporate Communications & Hockey Operations, Manitoba Moose.

Membership Login

We are experiencing a slight problem with our Member Login page, due to the transition of our old CPRS Manitoba website, to the new one you see now. We are presently working on amending this problem, and hope to have it fixed as soon as possible.

2010 Ruth Hammond Scholarship Winner Announced

Ian Miller of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is the 2010 winner of the Ruth Hammond Scholarship, awarded annually to a public relations student in his/her final year of the Bachelor of Public Relations program at Mount Saint Vincent University (The Mount), Halifax.

Bill Morrissey Kicks Off New Season of CPRS Manitoba Luncheons

CPRS Manitoba kicked off its 2010-11 season of monthly luncheons with Yes! Winnipeg’s Bill Morrissey. Held at the Fort Garry Hotel on September 22, Morrissey spoke to approximately two-dozen CPRS members about his role with this “results focused initiative”, designed to “promote, support and expedite successful business development in Winnipeg.”