Call for Board Candidates: CPRS Manitoba

The 2014 CPRS Manitoba Nominating Committee is looking for strong and enthusiastic public relations professionals to lead our Manitoba chapter.

The CPRS Manitoba board is a working team, dedicated to bringing professional development and networking opportunities to our members and communications and public relations practitioners in the province.

CPRS Manitoba Board of Directors

For a detailed description of the positions, please click here for the attached document.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Accredited Public Relations (APR) & Public Relations Knowledge (PRK) Chair
  • Membership Chair (up to 2 co-chairs)
  • Programming Lead
  • Programming Coordinators (no more than 2)
  • Communications Lead
  • Communications Coordinators (no more than 3)
  • Mentorship Chair

Other board roles:

  • Past President (not an elected role)
  • Student Directors (two positions: RRC and U of W. Nominations and elections are run separately, coordinated with the academic year)

Most positions will serve one-year terms as members of the CPRS Board of Directors. The President and Vice-President positions will serve two-year terms. Board members must be current members of CPRS in good standing, or join CPRS upon election to the board.


The deadline for nominations is Thursday, April 3, 2014 at midnight, central time.

The nominating committee will review the nominations, contact nominees as needed, and assemble a slate of candidates for election by the members at the CPRS Manitoba Annual General Meeting in May at the Fort Garry Hotel. Date and time TBA.

If interested, please send your resume to to the attention of Siobhan Kari, CPRS Manitoba past-president and chair of the nominating committee, and include the following information:

  1. Name:
  2. Phone:
  3. Email:
  4. CPRS member since:
  5. Describe your leadership experience:
  6. Which board position are you interested in?
    1. Identify a second position if you wish
  7. What would you bring to this CPRS Manitoba board in this role?