Nominations Open for Manitoba Communicator of the Year

The Canadian Public Relations Society Manitoba Chapter is pleased to open up nominations for the eighth annual Manitoba Communicator of the Year (MCOY) award. CPRS Manitoba celebrates excellence in public communications, and developed the MCOY award in 2008 to honour individuals and organizations whose work in public relations or communications has had a significant impact. The award will be presented at a gala luncheon on May 7 at the Manitoba Club in Winnipeg.

The MCOY award is open to Manitoba practitioners in business, government, non-profit and community organizations whose efforts in the past two years (2013 or 2014) have resulted in greater understanding of a specific issue, successful promotion of a cause, expert management of a crisis, or the public’s acceptance of an organization’s mandate. Nominees must have demonstrated creativity, solid communication strategies, and outstanding skills in communicating with the public at large or with specific stakeholder groups. It is not the nominee’s body of work as a whole that qualifies, but rather a specific initiative where communications played a vital and measurable role in a desired outcome.

Note that each application will be assessed for achievement of goals irrespective of budget, as budgets can and do range extensively. Nominees do not have to be professional communicators to be eligible for MCOY. However, CPRS members will automatically earn five percentage points toward the total weight of their application. And yes, you may nominate yourself!

Previous award recipients include Jason Syvixay of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ (2014); Bill Peters of St-Boniface Hospital Research Centre (2013); Scott Brown of True North Sports and Entertainment (2012); Kevin Walters of Manitoba Homecoming (2011); Clare MacKay of The Forks North Portage Partnership (2010); and Heather Plett of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (2009). Inaugural MCOY winners were Gail Asper and Kim Jasper of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (2008).

Nominations are now closed. Thank you to all applicants.