Join us for our Annual General Meeting!

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Public Relations Society Manitoba

Please join your fellow CPRS Manitoba members for a wrap-up of the past year’s activities, a preview of the plans for coming year and lunch.

Register here

Review of Proposed By-Law Changes

Please also note that recently the CPRS Manitoba Board has spent time reviewing our By-Laws and are proposing changes to strengthen the governance and overall effectiveness of the organization as well as to align the governance provisions with those of the national Canadian Public Relations Society.  We ask for you to review these proposed changes prior to the AGM.  Documents can be found below. Please send any questions or feedback to

1) New proposed By-Laws, clean version

2) New proposed By-Laws, tracked version showing all changed sections

3) Side-by-side document that shows all specific changes and reasoning

4) PPT slide showing new timeline for nomination process

5) Old 2006 version of the By-Laws

6) New Regulations (a working document, to be approved or further amended by the Board after the AGM)

7) 2013-2014 Annual Report (includes reports of the Board of Directors)

AGM Agenda

1. Call to order
2. Approval of the minutes of the 2012/2013 CPRS MB Annual General Meeting
3. Approval of the audited financial statements for the year ending April 30, 2014
4. Approval of proposed changes to the By-laws


The proposed changes to the By-laws of the Canadian Public Relations Society (Manitoba) Inc. are intended to strengthen the governance and overall effectiveness of the organization as well as to align the governance provisions with those of the national Canadian Public Relations Society, Inc.


The By-laws of the Canadian Public Relations Society (Manitoba) Inc. substantially in the form delivered to the Membership at this Annual General Meeting be adopted and approved for all purposes, and will be effective on the date of such approval.

5. Approval of reports of the Board of Directors
6. Elections of the 2014/2015 Board of Directors (see slate below)
7. Other business that may come before the meeting
8. Adjournment

We will be holding elections for the following prospective CPRS Manitoba board members for the 2014/2015 year:

  • President – Tamara Bodi (two-year term to end spring 2016)
  • Past President – Jason Permanand (two-year term to end spring 2016)
  • Treasurer – Lorne Kletke, APR
  • Secretary – Julie Kentner
  • Accreditation – Melanie Lee Lockhart, APR
  • Membership – Heather Olynick
  • Communications – Kailey Barron, Emily Doer
  • Programming – Hannah Rose Pratt, Alana Odegard, Denise Lazic
  • Mentorship – Steve West

The positions of President, Vice-President and Past President are all two-year terms. All other positions are one-year terms. All positions are up for election.


While only members can vote, everyone is welcome to attend. So please come out, enjoy lunch and network!

Please note that we have a reduced cost for the lunch to encourage attendance and ensure quorum.

Register for the CPRS MB AGM here.