CPRS Manitoba membership survey results

This September, CPRS Manitoba surveyed our membership to hear your suggestions on how to make your public relations association even better. We had an amazing response! We heard from 36 per cent of our full and student members, and you told us what matters! Below is a summary of the feedback we received. To view the full survey results, click here.

Many of you provided excellent comments on what you’re looking for and what you value as part of your CPRS Manitoba membership. Networking with local practitioners and professional development are some of the key reasons for taking a membership, and you appreciate a mix of event styles and times that can fit into your busy schedules.


We were delighted to see many of you are considering working towards your APR designation! Don’t forget, the deadline to apply for this year is December 1st. Contact our Accreditation Director, Melanie Lee Lockhart, APR, for more details.

Membership Value

You also told us there is more we can do to add value to membership and communicate with you about some of our programs, such as the Professional Discounts Program for CPRS Manitoba members. For more information on this program, visit our website.

The Year Ahead

CPRS Manitoba is connecting with a number of different speakers this year on topics of interest to you. We’re looking at new kinds of events to improve networking opportunities and get us more connected. We’re also looking at developing new services, such as a formal mentorship program to partner less experienced members with some of our seasoned veterans.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you’d like to see. Your board is looking at ways to follow-up on your comments and make CPRS Manitoba even stronger. Don’t wait until next year’s survey – contact us at info@cprs.mb.ca anytime to share your thoughts and comments with us directly!