CPRS Manitoba Annual General Meeting

Please join your fellow CPRS Manitoba members for a wrap-up of the past year’s activities, and a preview of the plans for coming year.

The AGM will also be the last chance for CPRS Manitoba members to get together before the summer break. Professional development programming resumes again in September.

1. President’s welcome
2. Lunch
3. To receive the Directors’ Reports for 2012/2013
4. To consider the financial statements for the 2012/2013 year
5. To elect officers for 2012/2013
6. To consider appointed Directors, goals and strategic direction for 2012/2013
7. Discussion (time permitting)

The President, Vice-President and Past President are all 2 year terms. All other positions are 1 year terms. We will be holding elections for the following 2012/2013 board members:

President – Jason Permanand
Past President – Siobhan Kari
Vice-President – Daniel Hurley
Treasurer – Kathryn McBurney
Secretary – Fay Kelman
Accreditation – Melanie Lee Lockhart
Membership – Stacia Franz, Julie Kentner
Communications – Heather Olynick, Hannah Rose Pratt
Programming – Tamara Bodi, Draper Houson, Deborah Bowers

While only members can vote, all are welcome to attend. Come out and enjoy the lunch as a networking event!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
11:45 AM – 1:30 PM

The Fort Garry Hotel
222 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0R3

Members $10.00
Non-members $20.00
Students $10.00