Brandon Event: The Media Relations Factor in Crisis Communications

In a crisis, media scrutiny is intense, and public opinion is shaped by the quality and the amount of coverage. Organizational accountability is critical, and accurate, timely information is crucial to public confidence.

Join Paul White and Glen Cassie from Communications Services Manitoba at Brandon’s Riverbank Discovery Centre, #1 – 545 Conservation Drive on Friday, June 5, 2015 for a workshop on media relations and crisis communications.

In CPRS Manitoba’s first-ever Brandon event, you’ll have the chance to work with Paul and Glen as they present some of the key issues to consider in a crisis, share some of their most interesting experiences and guide participants through a hands-on table-top exercise that will help you better prepare for your own organizational crisis.

Click here for more information and to register for this exciting Brandon event!

*Please note: As of May 29, payment cannot be made online via credit card. Only in-person cash and cheque payments at the venue door will now be accepted. Receipts will be emailed to these registrants. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate payment by credit card online or at the door, nor can we issue invoices at the door.